A Writer Robot

You, Robot

Congrats — you’ve been handed a robot whose sole job is to relieve you of one chore, job, or responsibility you particularly hate. What is it? – Daily Prompt by The Daily Post.


I am currently facing what you can call a typical ‘Chartered Accountant’s Busy Work Season’. Loads of audits and assignments in progress and quite tight deadlines to meet. Travelling , meetings, working, reviewing, reporting – that’s  how my days are passing for last few weeks. Moreover, the current political circus, rather chaos, takes up what ever free time I get.

It has been quite a while I have not written a post. In fact I am responding to Daily Prompt after five weeks approximately. And this is how it’s going to remain for coming few weeks as well.

I don’t hate my responsibilities. I am by nature a very determined person and like to accept challenges. So there’s is not any particular responsibility, chore or job which I hate. However, I would surely like to get some help in activities I like to do and writing is one of it.

So if I am handed over a robot, I would like it to blog / write for me. I would just give it the topic and all the research, reading and writing will be done by it, particularly my favourite topics of politics, history and sports. Writing an article for newspaper or blogging site requires some real effort as it involves reading and researching in order to ensure one produces correct facts. A robot will certainly help me in doing this task and make available some precious time in which I can pursue my other passions and activities.


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