A Vending Machine of Advice

Soft drinks, electronics, nutrient-free snacks — you can get all of those from a vending machine. But what type of vending machine is sorely needed but doesn’t exist? Share your automated retail fantasies with us! – Daily Prompt by The Daily Post

No one in this world is self-reliant. One who thinks he can do everything by himself without any help or advice is living in a fool’s paradise. But what are the dilemmas one face when asking for a piece of advice or help from someone? Here are few of them:

Pride and Ego

We all need a healthy ego to provide the fuel and kick to our life. Nothing wrong with this. But, the trick is you have to manage your ego and not let it manage you.Your pride and your ego are the first thing that get in the way. No one wants to admit that they have a problem. No one wants to admit that they need help or advice.


Often people feel shame in asking for help or advice. Shame, the most toxic feelings of all which stops us to connect with people. What will one think of me? It’s the first question that comes to mind when we try to seek advice or help from some one. It is one of the most common problems at work place.

Expressing your feelings

The next hurdle when asking for advice is to express your problem to others. You have loads of thoughts in your mind and you just want to say it loud and free yourself. But how to communicate? How to let it out? People struggle to express themselves when facing some one.

People will judge

When someone goes to anyone for help or advice, odds are they already feel pretty vulnerable. They are trusting someone to hear them out without being judgemental or condescending. That’s the biggest fear… others will judge when one asks for advice.


A Vending Machine of Advice

So here is my idea and solution to above problems. Idea of creating a vending machine of advice. You go, simply put in your money in the machine to listen to your thoughts, feelings, anxieties, problems and then offer you a piece of advice on it. A vending machine that will listen to you without judging. A place where you will not feel any shame. A moment when your ego will not be hurt.

How special would it be to have the comfort of advice for your greatest problems at the insertion of a few coins?


“When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice.” – Saul Bellow

5 thoughts on “A Vending Machine of Advice

  1. Pingback: Vending Wishes | The Bohemian Rock Star's "Untitled Project"

  2. Pingback: Vending Machine that dispenses ideas | Understanding and Embracing Diversity

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